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Hard to Believe It's Only Tuesday: GOP Doesn't Want States To Weigh In On Abortion, Actually

Here's what happened in abortion news, tweets, toks, and takes this week — plus action items.

Here’s another edition of Hard to Believe It’s Only Tuesday, a weekly roundup of the top headlines, tweets, toks, takes, and more in abortion news. Remember: you can always email me ([email protected]) or @/DM me on twitter with action items — rallies, trainings, fundraisers, block-walks, petitions, etc. — to include in the The Fuck Are We Supposed To Do About It? section!

The top takeaway: Republicans, who said they overturned Roe to return the question of abortion back to the states, are trying to block state and local ballot measures to protect abortion rights.

The Top Headlines

The Tweets

  • Rewire News legal eagle Imani Gandy had two especially good words this week, reminding us not to share our repro health data willy-nilly with the computers, and reminding us that building a pro-choice movement necessarily involves welcoming folks who changed their minds on abortion. (I’m one of them!)

The Takes

  • Irin Carmon profiles law professor and reproductive justice scholar Dorothy Roberts for New York Magazine. In the piece, Roberts says: “It’s true that Dobbs is going to intensify poverty. It’s going to intensify maternal mortality and infant mortality. But that’s different from saying abortion is the solution to childhood poverty, or birth control is the answer to teenagers dropping out of high school because the problem is structural racism. The problem is structural income inequality. The problem is racial capitalism.” (note: the Afiya Center is reading Roberts’ Killing the Black Body for their virtual book club right now, and there’s still time to join.)

The Fuck Are We Supposed To Do About It?

That’s all for this week. I’m sure I’ve missed something you’d like to see featured in this roundup, for I am but one woman with a computer and an abortion-news-induced drinking problem. Holler at me — [email protected], or DM me on Twitter, and I’ll try to add follow-ups as I’m able.