Here's the Best Post-Dobbs Anniversary Coverage

Plus: A thoughtful and compassionate look at the reality of later abortion

Here’s another edition of Hard to Believe It’s Only Tuesday, a weekly roundup of the top headlines, tweets (for now!), toks, takes, and more in abortion news. You can always email me ([email protected]) or DM me on instagram with action items, takes, and news clips. This post is probably too long for email, so click on the links up there ^ above the headline to open in your browser or the Substack app. You don’t want to miss this week’s Good Night and Good Dunk!

The big takeaway: It’s the one-year anniversary of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization SCOTUS decision that ended nationwide federal protections for abortion rights. Practically every news organization that has ever covered abortion (and some that have mostly side-stepped the issue!) released reporting packages this week.

Here’s some of the coverage I found most useful, impactful, and thoughtful:

The Top Headlines

The Takes

  • We Testify’s Renee Bracey Sherman is part of a post-Roe “reflections” package in The Nation with an important call-to-action for the present and future: “Protecting abortion access means calling for the abolishment of the police and all laws that criminalize us for the outcomes of our pregnancies. Until we have police-free communities, we will never have reproductive freedom for all, and abortion will never truly be safe and legal. If anyone tells you differently, they’re lying.”

  • The Guardian’s Poppy Noor penned a powerful essay on covering the fall of Roe while pregnant: “It’s our job as journalists to see what is happening, not what we want to see. But covering this beat, especially while pregnant, has changed my depth of vision. To see this assault up close and personal is to see it for what it is: not a journey to protect life; but to stifle, suppress and suffocate freedom.

  • Abortion providers Nisha Verman and Daniel Grossman are in JAMA with a piece on, as Dr. Grossman put it on Twitter, “the critically important role of medical and nursing organizations standing in strong opposition to legislative interference in evidence-based care.” To wit: Now, as the US enters its second year after the overturning of Roe, it is vital that clinicians and their professional organizations continue to convey the deleterious effects of abortion restrictions on patients, communities, the medical profession, and health systems. By highlighting the impact of legislative interference, clinicians and their professional organizations play a critical role in defending evidence-based comprehensive reproductive health care.”

  • Hey Jane’s Alyssa Wagner is in HuffPo reminding us that parents have and provide abortions, too: “My story is not unique ― I am one of many abortion provider moms and one of many parents who have had an abortion and understand the importance of access to safe and legal abortion care for parents. We need to trust and support parents to make the decisions that are best for them and their families, including the decision to have an abortion.”

The Tweets/Toks/Grams

Atlanta-based full-spectrum doula Sabia Wade’s Birthing Liberation looks at the relationships and intersections between individual and collective liberation, healing, and institutionalized/medicalized racism. Publisher’s Weekly describes Birthing Liberation as a “deeply empathetic overview of medical racism [that] will outrage and has the power to inspire change.” Watch and listen to them in conversation with Jalessah Jackson at Charis Books & More earlier this year, or subscribe to their newsletter, the Birth Neoterist.

On Thursday 6/29, I’ll choose a lucky winner from my subscriber list at random, so keep your eyes on your inboxes!

The Fuck Are We Supposed to Do About It?

Goodnight and good dunkVia abortion doula and writer Hannah Matthews, let us celebrate the strength of the Reach Fund of Connecticut’s whales-and-abortion synthesis. Get ‘em, Gladis!!!

That’s all for this week. I’m sure I’ve missed something you’d like to see featured in this roundup, for I am but one woman with a computer and an abortion-news-induced drinking problem. Holler at me — [email protected], or DM me on Instagram, and I’ll try to add follow-ups as I’m able.