Here's a Big Spreadsheet of COVID Vaccine Stuff

Whether you're looking to help folks get the jab, or get the jab yourself.

Hello! This will be very short: I started a Google spreadsheet with information about where to get COVID vaccines in Texas and where/how you can volunteer to help other folks get the jab.

I know: you were waiting on me to write the big mean drag of the dip-ass tech bro who moved his whole family to Austin and then was surprised when the weather became hot! I wanted to write it! I may still! But frankly I need more joy in my life these days and while I really, really did want to drag that bad asshole, I chose positive energy instead. This is bullshit and I hate it, but here we are.

Anyway: the spreadsheet! Please use it. Spread the word. Also? NextDoor. I’m sorry. NextDoor is just a really good place to get vaccine help and info right now. I mean, it’s also a good place for racists to holler, but it’s also good for vaccine stuff. This Austin group seems to really be useful for folks.

I’m always accepting edits/changes/updates/tips for the spreadsheet. Email me any time — put “COVID 19 spreadsheet” or something in the subject line.

Fuck this bad virus.