Here's Who Wrote for Texas Magazines in 2021

Read the results of the first-ever Texas Writers Byline Scan

Today, I’m pleased to release the results of a project months in the making: the 2021 Texas Writers Byline Scan. The scan is a survey of 486 writers who published 2,211 bylines in Texas print publications — monthly, bimonthly, and quarterly — in the year 2021. The project examines who wrote for Texas magazines, looking at writers’ identities along the axes of race, gender, and location in 2021.

This is a one-woman project that I developed out of personal curiosity after realizing such an analysis for Texas magazines had never been done before; I was not paid for this work. I hope that this snapshot will interest those folks who are invested in and empowered to support, grow, and deepen the diversity of writers telling stories for, from, and about all of us here in the Lone Star State.

I’ll say more tomorrow about what I think the scan shows — you’ll also hear from a couple of Texas magazine editors who spoke to me about byline representation at their magazines — but first, why not just give it a read?